Many people don’t realize just how incredible their body is and take it for granted, but it truly is an amazing machine. As ENT doctors, we know first-hand how incredible the human body is, especially the ear, nose, and throat. They have some pretty remarkable and diverse abilities that many may not even realize or know about! There is a lot more to your ears, nose and throat than you think. Read on to learn some interesting ear, nose, and throat facts.
Top Ear, Nose, and Throat Facts
1. Your nose is directly connected to the limbic system, the memory center of your brain.
2. Humans are able to detect more than 10,000 types of scents.
3. Sore throats are caused by disease or from swelling of the tonsils or pharynx.
4. Earwax production can increase due to experiencing fear or stress.
5. Approximately 20,000 liters of air passes through an adult’s nose daily.
6. While your nose reaches its main shape by the time you are 19 years old, your nose will still droop and lengthen with time.
7. The bones in your ear, the stapes, malleus, and incus are the smallest in the human body. They are so small that all three bones can fit together on a penny!
8. While your tonsils and adenoids help protect against infections, they have little purpose beyond childhood.
9. There are at least 14 different types of noses.
10. While this number decreases with age, the average human has 12 million olfactory receptor cells.
11. We constantly replenish olfactory receptor cells throughout life.
12. Your nose is able to produce almost one liter of mucus per day.
13. Your ears are not only useful for hearing; they also aid in balance.
14. Your style of sneezing is one of the things that make you unique, as your sneezing style is believed to be genetic.
15. The epiglottis divides the esophagus from the trachea and prevents food or drink from going down the wrong pipe.
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