Grass Allergy? Top Tips to Manage Your Grass Pollen Allergy

Grass Allergy? Top Tips to Manage Your Grass Pollen Allergy

Grass Allergy

Do you find that your allergy symptoms are worse during the spring and summer? If so, you may be allergic to grass and grass pollen. Also referred to as seasonal allergic rhinitis, having a grass pollen allergy is a common condition that many people have. While you may love the smell of freshly cut grass, every year tiny pollen grains that are not visible to the naked eye are released into the air to fertilize other plants, and this can lead to misery for some individuals. These pollens can trigger allergic reactions in a person and often include:

• Sneezing
• Nasal congestion
• Itchy eyes, ears, nose, and mouth
• Watery, red eyes
• A runny nose
• Swelling around the eyes
• Coughing
• Wheezing

Once released into the air these small grass pollen grains can travel hundreds of miles thanks to the wind. Unfortunately, because of this, it’s difficult to avoid airborne pollen. However, with the proper knowledge, you can help counteract your allergy symptoms. Since May is Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, we are bringing you some helpful advice to help you manage your seasonal allergies. If grass pollen has got you down, check out these helpful tips to help you manage your grass pollen allergy.

Know Your Enemy

You may be allergic to more than one type of grass if you have a grass pollen allergy. While not all grasses are responsible for allergy symptoms, certain grasses are kryptonite to those with a grass pollen allergy. Knowing the common types of grasses that can trigger an allergic reaction can help you in your fight against seasonal allergic rhinitis. Grass types that often aggravate allergies include:

• Timothy grass
• Bermuda grass
• Rye grass
• Kentucky grass
• Sweet vernal grass
• Johnson grass
• Orchard grass
• Oat grass
• Pampas grass
• Big bluestem grass

Watch the Weather

Have you ever seen the pollen count section when you check the weather? If you have allergies, you should be tuned to your local weather forecast daily this way you can see your local pollen count. On days that the pollen count is high, aim to stay inside and limit your outdoor activities as much as possible. If you have to leave the house, try to stay indoors between 5 am and 10 am when pollen levels are at their highest.

Keep Your Windows Closed

While you may love the feeling of the wind coming through your windows, you should keep them shut during the spring and summer months if you have a grass allergy. Since pollen can travel for hundreds of miles, via the wind, you are inviting these small pollen grains into your home when your windows are open. Instead, use AC’s or central air conditioning if you have it. Just make sure they come with a HEPA filter!

Wash Often

When you come inside after partaking in outdoor activities, it is important that you change and wash your clothes. Also, since pollen can collect on you, you should also wash your bedding in hot water at least once a week. However, don’t let your laundry dry outside! Even if you like that fresh smell, using a clothes dryer will help limit your exposure. You may consider bringing it to 2ULaundry services to make sure that your clothes are fresh and clean. Also, you should shower and wash your hair after exercising or working outdoors. Otherwise, you may spread pollen around your house.

Keep Your Lawn Short

Once grass gets long, you can often see a seed at the tip of the blade. However, those seeds release pollen, so you don’t want your grass to get to this stage. The fewer seeds you have, the less pollen released, so keep your lawn cut short. If possible, do not cut your own grass. Hire a landscaper or ask a friend or family member. However, if you have no choice but to cut your grass, make sure to wear an N95 protective mask and take an antihistamine before you head outside.

For those who struggle with allergies or simply want a low-maintenance alternative, cheap synthetic lawns sydney offer a fantastic solution. They provide the lush green look of natural grass without the hassle of mowing, pollen, or seasonal maintenance, making them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers.

See a Doctor

Knowing what your allergic triggers are is probably the most helpful piece of information you could receive. If you want to have the upper hand in your fight, make an appointment with your local allergist. An allergist can run tests to identify the types of pollen that bring on your allergic reaction, and will also help you determine the best course of action.

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