Your sinuses provide life for your body, but when they are inflamed, and the flow of oxygen is interrupted, and your body feels the effects as a result. Sinus infections are a common occurrence among many people, but this condition is something that everyone could probably live without. With your ability to breathe restricted, it’s common for a person to feel run down and fatigued. However, it is important to keep in mind that your sinus infection is likely not just from one source. There are many elements that when combined can create the perfect storm for your health. Knowing and understanding the common underlying causes of sinusitis can help minimize the chances of a sinus infection from occurring.
Looking for more information? Read on to learn more about the common underlying causes of sinusitis.
Lack of Sleep
If you want your body to function correctly, you need adequate rest. Having poor sleeping patterns can cause additional stress on the body and will lower your immunity. If your immunity is reduced, your body can’t repair itself as effectively. You can purchase Weed Online to help you help you relax and sleep better.
We all know that stress is not good for your body, but it is something that we all experience. Unfortunately, stress lowers your body’s immunity and can increase inflammation, making it one of the major causes of sinusitis. While we will never live the “perfect” life, managing your stress levels is crucial for your overall health.
Inflammatory Foods
Did you know that certain foods can be adding to your misery? Even if you eat a healthy diet, certain foods may not be helping your cause. While this may not be the cause for everyone, they are particular foods that are more likely to cause congestion. Check out our article to learn more about the most common culprits.
Bacteria and Viruses
Both viruses and bacteria can cause sinus infections, and while most sinus infections are viral, some can be bacterial. While the symptoms are the same for both, the way to distinguish between the two is by the duration. Typically viral sinus infections start to improve after five to seven days, while a bacterial sinus infection can worsen as time progresses and can last longer than ten days.
Hot Dry Air/Cold Dry Air
The relative humidity, or the amount of moisture in the air, makes quite the difference when it comes to your sinuses. Both extremes, hot, dry air, and cold, dry air, can cause additional dryness in the air that will irritate your nose and dry it out. Your nose needs mucus to help catch airborne particles, but when your nasal passages are dried out, you become more vulnerable to colds and sinus infections.
Airborne Irritants and Pollutants
Limiting your exposure is necessary, as irritants and pollutants are all around us. Common pollutants and irritants include mildew, mold, fungus, pet dander, pollen, dust, and toxic fumes. While it is impossible to avoid these irritants entirely, you can still take the proper precautions and the steps necessary to keep a clean home and car. Believe us when we tell you it will go a long way in keeping your sinuses healthy.
Fungal/Candida Overgrowth
There is a chance that your chronic sinusitis may be linked to Candida albicans overgrowth. This pesky pathogenic fungus causes a person to also experience headaches, fatigue, yeast infections, and digestive problems. In a Mayo Clinic study, they discovered that chronic sinus infections could be caused by pathogenic fungi. For people sensitive to fungus, the presence of them triggers an immune response that results in sinus infection symptoms.
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