Being able to communicate verbally is one of the many blessings we as humans have. However, oftentimes we don’t realize how much we rely on the act of communicating verbally until we lose our voice. Losing your voice happens, and when it does, it’s tough. Others may have a hard time understanding you or don’t understand you at all, which can be frustrating. While losing your voice typically isn’t a huge medical concern, it can be frustrating, especially if you rely on your voice at work.
What are the Reasons for Losing Your Voice?
• When your vocal cords become inflamed, laryngitis occurs. Swelling and inflammation prevents your vocal cords from vibrating correctly, which can make your voice hoarse or make you lose your voice.
• Swelling and inflammation can occur from illness, infections, or even from excessive use. It’s not uncommon for laryngitis to occur when you are experiencing a sore throat and post-nasal drip. Inflammation can also occur due to overuse, such as from shouting during a sporting event or concert.
• Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease can cause you to have a sore throat and hoarseness since it causes your larynx, pharynx, and the other associated respiratory organs to undergo an inflammatory reaction. LPRD causes your stomach contents to backflow into the throat and voice box, which can occur during the day or night.
• Even mold, dust, aerosol fumes, chemicals, allergens, and other inhaled irritants can cause a person to lose their voice. A person’s daily vices could also be the culprit as well, as smoking and high alcohol intake can cause laryngitis.
• While these conditions are not common, hoarseness can occur from benign vocal cord lesions, such as polyps or cysts, or it could be a symptom of vocal tremor, vocal cord paralysis, or vocal cord cancer. However, these conditions will affect your vocal cords differently than acute laryngitis.
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