Did you know that there are ways to enjoy Easter as an adult and awaken your inner child at the same time? For many, egg dyeing was a highlight of Easter for them as children, but if you do not have kids, you may not partake in this particular activity anymore. Luckily, there is a way to satisfy your inner child and clear your sinuses at the same time, and that’s by making Easter eggs for your bath with this fantastic Easter bath bomb recipe!
If you are looking for a way to clear your sinuses and celebrate Easter simultaneously, get creative and crafty with this fun and easy Easter bath bomb recipe.
• 1 tsp water + additional as needed
• 1/3 cup corn starch
• 1 cup baking soda
• ½ cup granulated citric acid
• ½ cup finely ground Epsom salts
• 1 tbsp. oil (almond, macadamia, coconut, etc.)
• Food coloring
• Peppermint essential oil
• Eucalyptus essential oil
• Plastic Easter eggs or Easter egg mold
• Glitter (optional)
• Dried herbs or flowers (optional)
• Spray bottle
1. Combine all of the wet ingredients (except for the food coloring) and mix well.
2. Combine all of the dry ingredients (except for the glitter and herbs/flowers) and mix well.
3. Combine the wet mixture into the dry mixture and mix well. Don’t be afraid to use your fingers to break up any clumps!
4. Divide the mixture up into separate bowls. The number of bowls will depend on the number of colors you want to have. Cover up the dishes immediately with plastic wrap. You do not want your mixture to dry out.
5. Add food coloring to each bowl and mix well. Once the color is added, make sure you recover the bowl. Remember you can mix your primary colors to create secondary colors!
6. Pull out your Easter egg mold, or open up a plastic egg and fill with glitter or flowers/herbs if you want to add a garnish. Pick your choice of color, or colors if you want your bath bomb to have alternating colors and gently pack your mixture into each half of the egg. If your dough crumbles too much and is difficult to work with, mist it gradually with the spray bottle but don’t spray too much. Be careful not to get the mixture too wet.
7. Make sure one side of the egg is slightly overfilled and snap the egg together. Repeat this process with each egg. Make sure you work quickly to help prevent your mixture from getting too dry.
8. Let the mixture sit in the plastic eggs, or Easter egg mold for one hour.
9. Gently remove the plastic eggs from your bath bombs, or remove your eggs from the Easter egg mold. If you are using plastic eggs, it is helpful to start with the bottom shell first and then gently remove the top piece. If it ‘s hard to remove, try twisting gently or carefully use a small kitchen knife to help separate it from the plastic shell.
10. Gently place the bath bombs somewhere safe to dry. Placing them in an egg container or on a towel is fine. Allow your creations to dry overnight, however, if it’s humid out you may need to extend the time.
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