It’s finally October, which means it’s finally sweater weather here in New York. The leaves are starting to change color, and Halloween is right around the corner. A fun, candy-filled holiday, what kid doesn’t look forward to dressing up and getting free sweets and treats? While Halloween is full of fun, for children with severe food or environmental allergies, this holiday can be tricky. Many dangers can lurk in the shadows, so parents and guardians have to be on the top of their game if they want to prevent unwanted and potentially dangerous allergic symptoms from occurring. Luckily, following some helpful Halloween allergy tips can help limit your chances of disaster.
Make sure this holiday is only full of fun and sweet surprises and remains allergy-free by checking out these useful Halloween allergy tips.
• Check all labels and ingredients to help reduce the chances of an unwanted allergic reaction. Halloween makeup and costume accessories, clothing, as well as masks can contain common allergens. So make sure you stay on the lookout by reading the labels carefully.
• When you are unpacking the Halloween decorations, costumes, and accessories, make sure you thoroughly clean them before using them. Dust and mold can be present on these items since they’ve been stored from previous years, so be sure to clean them thoroughly before use.
• While we are on the subject of reading labels, make sure you carefully read the food labels on your child’s loot before consumption. Don’t go by what you think you know since miniature-sized candies can contain different ingredients than their full-size counterpart, so don’t let any wrapper go unread.
• Be vigilant and listen for any signs of breathing difficulties from your child if they suffer from allergies or asthma. Running around while trick or treating, mold exposure, and even fog machines can all put your child at risk for an asthma and allergy attack, so make sure you keep a close eye on your child’s breathing.
• Don’t leave the house without an epinephrine pen if your child has severe and life-threatening allergies. You never know when an emergency can occur, so it’s always best to be prepared. When you are spending time outdoors, you have the potential to be exposed to a variety of allergic triggers, so ensure that an EpiPen is always readily available.
• Since candy can be tempting to eat while you are canvassing the neighborhood, make sure you eat before you head out or travel with snacks. The last thing you want is to go trick or treating on an empty stomach and wind up eating a bunch of candy before you can check it. If your child has severe food allergies, make sure you have snacks with you to help prevent your child from sneaking sweets into their mouths.
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