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Will a Nasal Balloon Help Kids’s Hearing Problems?

glue ear: child holding her ear

Have you ever heard of “Glue ear?” This unseemly term refers to when a child’s middle ear fills up with sticky fluid, that leads to a dulled sense of hearing. It’s incredibly […]

What Are Nasal Polyps?

Nasal polyps are common. According to the National Institute of Health, up to 4% of the population could be affected by them. However, it’s unclear exactly why people get them. […]

Baby Shampoo for Your Sinuses?

nasal irrigation

You’re at the pharmacy, staring down countless brightly colored boxes of medicines that all promise to get rid of your sinus infection. But could the real answer be a few aisles […]

When Sinus Infections Go Wrong

rare sinusitis: woman holding her nose

Sinus infections usually come and go without too much complication. They might make us achy and uncomfortable, and take us away from work for a few days, but they are […]

5 Quick Ways To Help Your Sinuses

water with lemon and lime

Sneezing. Stuffiness. Pressure. Pain. When your sinuses are acting up, they are often responding to irritation or infection. This leaves you feeling miserable. You can’t always fight off sinus infections, […]

Will Nasal Spray Fix Your Sinus Infection?

nasal spray

You’re feeling congested. You walk into the pharmacy. You see rows of nasal sprays all promising to fix your stuffy nose, and fast. But how do you know if you’re […]

Is Your Job Hurting Your Hearing?

Job Hurting Your Hearing

Your ears, like every part of your body, age over time. For some people, this means their hearing levels start to dip as they get older.  According to Audicus, by […]

Migraine or Sinus Infection?

If your head is pounding, you may not care about getting to the root of what is causing the pain. All you will want to do is make it stop. But […]

“Watchful Waiting”: Why You May Not Need Antibiotics for Sinusitis

sinusitis antibiotics

If you have a sinus infection, do you need antibiotics? According to new research, you might be surprised to hear that in many cases the answer is no! This spring, […]

How to Stop Postnasal Drip

postnasal drip: girl blowing her nose

Postnasal drip is a very common, and often very annoying, symptom we hear a lot about at the NY Sinus Center. What is postnasal drip? It is the uncomfortable sensation of […]