News Archives - Page 34 of 47 - The New York Sinus Center

‘Pollen Tsunami’: What It Means For Your Allergies

pollen tsunami: pollen allergies

Beautiful flowers. Blooming trees. Miserable allergies. This season in New York, and in much of the country, allergies are hitting harder than normal. You can thank the “pollen tsunami” for this. Due […]

Sinusitis in the elderly

With aging, the physiology and function of the nose changes. The nose lengthens, and the nasal tip begins to droop due to weakening of the supporting cartilage. As a result […]

Malleus Replacement Prosthesis: What It Is and How It Helps

Malleus Replacement Prosthesis: female pointing to her ear

The malleus (the hammer) or ‘mallet’ (the shaped bone in the middle ear) plays a special function in maintaining healthy hearing. Its job is to help transmit sound from the eardrum […]

Dr. Krevitt Comments on a Recent WSJ Article


A recent article in the Wall Street Journal revealed new findings by the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. They offered alternatives to using antibiotics to treat sinusitis. The […]

Is Your Snoring Sinus Related?


Snoring… it is not exactly the stuff of sweet dreams. In the United States, almost half of adults snore occasionally, and around one-quarter snore regularly. That is a lot of […]

My Sinus Infection Won’t Go Away. What Do I Do?

Sinus Infection: woman blowing her nose

If you are one of the 37 million Americans who deal with sinus infections each year, then you know what a pain they can be. Because of this, you may […]

Spring Allergies or Sinusitis?

spring allergies

Spring is finally here… but for allergy sufferers, this may not be the best news. After the record-breaking winter snow in the Northeast, spring could mean an especially harsh allergy […]

Are Over The Counter Medicines Enough for Sinus Infections?

over the counter medicines for sinus infections: woman holding her head

There is an old myth that you need a prescription antibiotic to treat a sinus infection. Is this true? No! There are plenty of treatment options for sinus problems, and not all […]

Do I Have Congenital Anosmia?

Congenital Anosmia: Woman smelling flowers

It is not uncommon for people to have problems smelling from time to time. These problems may be caused by colds or allergies. Typically, these situations are written off as […]

Deviated Septum: How It Affects Your Sinuses

sinus pain

For about 80% of people, the nasal septum — the bone and cartilage that divides the inside of the nose into two parts — isn’t perfectly aligned. What does this mean? […]