News Archives - Page 40 of 48 - The New York Sinus Center

Is Sinus Surgery Right for Me?

Is Sinus Surgery for Me?

As with any surgical procedure, choosing to have sinus surgery is a big deal, so you may be asking, “Is sinus surgery right for me?” Except in very rare cases, […]

Do I Have Fall Allergies or a Sinus Infection?

fall allergy or cold?

Fall brings with it cool breezes, colorful leaves and maybe even a little spiced cider. Sounds good…unless you’re the victim of pollen allergies. Also known as hay fever or allergic […]

Best & Worst Exercises for Sinus Infections

yoga cat pose and sinus infections

Dealing with a sinus infection? Then you might feel like heading to bed. But in some cases, light exercises for a sinus infection — if approved by your doctor — […]

New Rules for Treating Sinusitis in Kids

sinus problems in kids

Antibiotics or no antibiotics? When it comes to treating sinusitis in kids, that’s one of the big questions. As of this summer, new treatment guidelines from the American Academy of […]

Nasal Spray or Oral Meds? What Treats Chronic Sinusitis Better?

sinusitus sufferer

Sometimes, sinus infections just don’t seem to go away. If you deal with symptoms like fever, facial pain and nasal discharge for 12 weeks or more — and treatment hasn’t […]

Does My Child Have Allergies?

kid with allergies

Your little one is coughing all through the night. The runny nose is in full swing. But what’s to blame — a cold, allergies or something else? Allergies in children […]

Do I Need Surgery for My Sinusitis?

doctor explaining sinus surgery

Your sinus infections keep coming back. You feel like you’ve tried every treatment out there. After all that, is it time for surgery? Surgery is an option for some patients […]

Send Sinus Infections Swimming Away


The weather’s warming up. The sun’s staying out. That’s right, it’s almost pool and beach season. But for those of you prone to sinus infections, you might want to consider […]

Show Allergy Season Who’s Boss

tree pollen spring

Get ready. Thanks to a relatively mild winter and a wet start to spring, allergy season has already begun in some parts of the country. And often, that combination means […]

Is a Deviated Septum Causing Your Sinusitis?

Sinus infections can have many causes. When you’re feeling the symptoms, you might not care much what’s to blame, so long as you can get relief. But if you’re dealing […]