News Archives - Page 5 of 47 - The New York Sinus Center

How to Spot the Signs of Tonsillitis


Your tonsils play a vital role in your immune system by fighting infections in your body. Situated at the back of your throat, one on each side, these masses of […]

The Facts About Voice Disorders

Voice Disorders

Speaking is a complex process that involves the passage of air from your lungs over two folds of tissue in your larynx, also known as your voice box. These folds, […]

The Differences Between Hay Fever and Allergies

Hay Fever and Allergies

Allergies and hay fever affect 35% of Americans, causing various symptoms, from sneezing and rashes to sniffling and hives. While some patients are aware of their reactions to various allergens, […]

Treating Low-Volume Voice Disorder

Low-Volume Voice Disorder

Speaking is a complex process involving different parts of your body. Your lungs push air out, which then goes over two pieces of tissue called vocal cords in your voice […]

The Facts About Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that can cause you to stop breathing involuntarily while sleeping. Although it affects around 26% of adults aged between 30 and 70, it often goes […]

Effective Medical Treatment Options and Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion

Nasal Congestion

When the tissues that line the nasal cavity and sinuses become inflamed, swollen, and produce excess mucus, this condition is known as nasal congestion. It is often the result of […]

The Advantages of Balloon Sinuplasty for Chronic Sinusitis

Benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty

Over 31 million people suffer from sinus problems and rely on over-the-counter medications and antibiotics to relieve symptoms such as pressure, pain, and inflammation. While these remedies may help some, […]

Ears Clogged? Top Reasons Why Ears Feel Congested

Ear Congestion

If you’re feeling a sensation of pressure, hearing crackling noises, or discomfort in your ear, it’s possible that you’re experiencing ear congestion. This condition is caused by various factors, including […]

Why Are My Sinuses Worse in the Summer?

Sinus Problems in Summer

If you suffer from sinus problems, you know the miserable symptoms: congestion, facial pain, and postnasal drip-drip-drip. While summer brings a bit of respite as the cold viruses are less […]

Preparing Your Child for Their First Visit With an ENT

Child's First ENT Visit

Pediatric ENT is a specialized ear, nose, and throat doctor for children under 18. Children commonly experience ENT symptoms during illnesses, which helps their immune system develop. Most of these […]